~The Band~
4-Piece Alternative/Rock Band from Singapore

From left:
Dam - Guitars/Vocals
Fiq - Drums
Aim - Bass/Vocals
Mie - Guitars/Vocals

Reach us at:



SFD Myspace

SFD Online

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Hello people.

We had a great time playing at White Noize Gig yesterday. Thank you to Alfie for letting us play in your event, L-Cube Music Studio and last but not least to those standing and singing in front of us during our set. You know who you are...you people are the best!! Thank you so much! =D

Now that school has started and some of us working, we will be busy with our own commitments. But hey..whatever it is, playing and making music are still in our hearts. We will definitely play in more gigs in time to come.

One more thing, we found a new place to jam. Heheheh...(Evil Laugh).

posted by SFD at 9:35 PM

~Upcoming Shows~

We are taking a short break. Will be back in 2010!!! =D


~We have performed at...~

L-Cube Music Studio
Odiocrib Music Studio
Scape Youth Park
Scape: The Lab
FAD Media
National University of Singapore
and counting...


~Our Originals So Far..~

Life Stories
My Failure Your Success
Sweet So Long