~The Band~
4-Piece Alternative/Rock Band from Singapore

From left:
Dam - Guitars/Vocals
Fiq - Drums
Aim - Bass/Vocals
Mie - Guitars/Vocals

Reach us at:



SFD Myspace

SFD Online

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hello All

Right now we are taking a short break from performing. Will be back in 2010!!

Have a great day ahead.!


posted by SFD at 7:54 PM

~Upcoming Shows~

We are taking a short break. Will be back in 2010!!! =D


~We have performed at...~

L-Cube Music Studio
Odiocrib Music Studio
Scape Youth Park
Scape: The Lab
FAD Media
National University of Singapore
and counting...


~Our Originals So Far..~

Life Stories
My Failure Your Success
Sweet So Long